The best smell I have ever smelt is of petrichor

by - July 14, 2018

Some people feel the rain, others just get wet ~ Bob Marley

Have you ever wondered about those myriad raindrops fall from the sky? Do they excite you? Do those drops excite you to live more and more and more? Have you ever fallen in love with those drops? Have you ever let those drops come on your face and free your soul from all the sorrows, all the grief? Have you ever get kissed gently by those raindrops? Have you?

The best smell I have ever smelt is of petrichor

No wonder why the monsoon season is considered the best among all the seasons, the most pleasant, the most romantic season, a perfect season to walk with someone special when the day is dark, and the sky is overcast with the cloud. Pour down your love for your loved ones and welcome the rainy season with wide-spreading arms. The rainy days always hold some special type of magic.

I have recently come across a word for those who love rain, those who find happiness and peace of mind during rainy days. The word is ‘Petrichor’, and it means the distinct smell of rain in the air. Or you in a more precise way you can say that the pleasant smell of earth after the rain.

For me, the definition of an ideal rain is when I can feel the gusts of wind and the rattling of windows and when it rains steadily for hours to end. But I really don’t understand why many of us find rainy days so dingy. I seriously don’t understand that how can someone not love the sudden transmutation of earth from this dry, dusty land into a beautiful place, the greenery everywhere, where everything seems so pure, so natural, where flowers are in exotic bloom, everything around seems alive. How can you not love this type of magic?

The best smell I have ever smelt is of petrichor
For once, just close your eyes and imagine you are sitting beside the window, now try to feel the feeling that you’re lost in the world made of books, you’re lost in the aroma of coffee and in the rhythm of the falling rain, try to feel the feeling of sharing this rain with someone, someone you love, try to inhale the earthy smell after rain. How beautiful it sounds?

So, basically, my point is when the rain comes in silence, enjoy it, don’t just get drenched in it, try to feel the essence of it as well.

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