Are you the real you or you are just someone else?

by - June 09, 2018

“Be so completely yourself that everyone else feels safe to be themselves as well.”

When I was a kid, I wanted to become like someone else. And most of us do the same, in our childhood, we all have that idol/aficionado set in our mind like whom we wanted to be. And at that time, most probably that someone used to be an actor/actress. Ab initio, when I was eight years of age, I used to admire many people and wanted to be like them. I have many actors in my mind like whom I wanted to be. Besides, I try to copy them, I try to act like them, and you won’t believe but actually in my 10th birthday I cried a lot and didn’t want to celebrate it as I wanted to dress up as my favourite actor. Although in our childhood we all have been taught how to act while growing up in different situations like at school, at home, with siblings, with friends, with neighbours, with parents and so on.

Are you the real you or you are just someone else?

Today, I woke up and abruptly my heart reminded me of my beautiful childhood when I have no worries about life, about a job, basically about anything and that can be considered as the best time of anyone’s life. So, as soon as my heart reminded me of how I wanted to be like someone when I was a child. I thought of writing something on becoming like someone else. So, how it actually feels when you want to be like an actor/actress or anyone of your choice, the one you follow, the one whom you admire. Obviously, it feels like that your dream has come true but does it really feel like that? Because when we see things from a child’s perspective and an adult’s perspective, there’s a huge difference and matureness is the thing which makes this difference so huge. When we are a child; it’s okay to follow someone or to become like someone because innocence doesn’t filter out goodness or badness of anything. It just imitates unthinkingly.

Are you the real you or you are just someone else?

As time goes on, we encounter new things in our life, learn new and different things and understand situations because with time we get that level of matureness so that we can comprehend things. But being an adult if you still try to be someone else, then I am sorry can’t help it because the worst thing we can do is try to mould ourselves into something we are not, whenever we try to imitate someone else’s behaviour or manifest his persona, it will end up badly and believe me that is hazardous.

What actually happens when you want to become like someone else in your adulthood as well just for someone else’s sake?

Let me tell you what actually happens when you pretend to be like someone else…
You actually forget the real you when you pretend to be like someone else and afterwards it becomes really difficult to find the real you which you used to be at some point in time. But sadly you opted to be someone else.

Are you the real you or you are just someone else?

I understand that we all want to be the best person in our lives and please be the best person which you can be but not on the cusp of losing the real you. If you don’t like to go out with everyone, then don’t go. If you like to go out only with someone special, then don’t stop yourself. If you prefer walking rather than a luxury car ride, then walk. If you want to lift, then lift. If you hate lifting, then don’t force yourself. See, the point is, do whatever you like to do or do the thing you really feel like doing. Don’t do it just because someone wants you to do it. Don’t do it just to please someone. Because you might succeed in pleasing someone right now, but you’ll end up being the saddest person on this planet if you’ll try to be the one you are not and can never be.

Abandon the pretentious person who lives inside you and free yourself one more time. Be yours before you become anyone else’s.

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