Be the wanderer of your soul, it surely knows all the way

by - April 20, 2018

Charles Bukowski once said, “I do not have time for the things that have no soul”. A great saying isn’t it?

If you’ll try to comprehend the meaning of the above saying it actually is efficacious and true. I mean what is the point of making time for the things that have no soul, futile isn’t it? The day, that unforgettable day when I realised that everything is in your mind and everything (possible or impossible, adequate or inadequate) you do or you need to do, whatever it is, you already have it within you, in your soul and in your mind but I really want to give you a very canny advice here. Always do try to listen to your soul rather than listening to your mind, I repeat always because it knows all the way. You may find this advice a brusque but believe me it’s not and this the best advice you’ll ever get because the one who is very well versed of all these can tell you rightly about it and that one is none other than me. And the most important thing is that it is really very important to look around you and look inside you, find your own soul, one day find it, feel it, observe it thoroughly, try to get lost into it, see it through your naked eyes and follow it, only then you’ll realise how different how beautiful it is and how beautiful your life could be.

Be the wanderer of your soul, it surely knows all the way

So, here it goes the story of me conquering my innermost fear of water by not listening to my mind but to my soul.

It started with an unforeseen office trip to Rishikesh (Uttarakhand), we reached the destination and decided to do rafting, I was highly strung by the solicitous thought of travelling down a river with a raft. But then at that moment I thought let’s do this, come what may and when that ended I realised that I enjoyed that rafting thing wholeheartedly. But wait, it was not the end of my trepidation, the most popular, the most admirable thing of Rishikesh was still left and that was ‘cliff jumping’. I handcuffed myself with my fear of height and water (acrophobia + hydrophobia) and then one colleague of mine came to me and asked to do that cliff jumping and I was so dumbstruck that I can’t even explain. She uncuffed me from my fear and I went with her reached the clifftop, my head was whirling and I jumped abruptly (I cursed myself in the air for doing this and I thought I am going to die, but of no use, as I had made that jump). In the blink of an eye, I landed into the water, I had been into the water for hardly 5 seconds (the most horrifying 5 seconds of my life). One of my colleagues helped me to come out of the water, we ate something there and then came back to our camps. Around 4 in the evening when everyone was having snacks and bubbly beverages and I, on the other hand, was thinking that “Was that jump required? What if I had died? Then I received an immediate reply from my soul and it said “Yes, that jump was vital, not to prove anyone else but to yourself, that jump was essential to get rid of those fears and it was right because, at that time, I heard the pure voice after so long souls’ language is pure because they don’t speak the human language.

Be the wanderer of your soul, it surely knows all the way

Afterwards, I was thinking, what if I wouldn’t have jumped, what if I would have listened to my mind rather than listening to my soul, the things would have been different and the regret for not making that jump would have eaten me up. That day I realised that our mind is a battlefield and only our soul knows how to vanquish that battle of fear which is in our mind, I could easily liberate myself from that fear but I didn’t want to escape, all I wanted is to defeat that fear at that time and I assuredly did it. And I learned that eventually, everything has to be connected with soul. So, try to please your soul rather than pleasing your body, do the great things for your soul and make it happy. So that one day you can proudly say that you did it in a satisfactory manner.

Souls are immortal, immortality leads you to the truthfulness of life, truthfulness is openness and openness can make your life completely engrossing.

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Picture Courtesy: Pinterest and Instagram @firelush

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